Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oh My...

Oh my goodness....I've been quite a terrible blogger. I was so excited about blogging and getting fit and sharing it with swarms of readers...oh Readers, it just hasn't worked out that well. Unfortunately I haven't been to the gym in ages. Becoming a teacher has not just been a change in's a change in the direction of my life. It's a whole new career path with new challenges, new things to take up my thoughts, all new people to meet, new expectations....children's lives to help's been overwhelming to say the least. I really don't know how I'm going to find an adequate work/family/fitness balance.

Any suggestions are welcome...because in the meantime I'm only getting fatter...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Job!

Lots of things happening for me...I start my new job as a 5th grade teacher on Monday.  I'm going through an alternative certification program to do it.  I was so happy to find a job, not a lot of people did this year.  I think the school will be fabulous.  I got a hug from my new principal today. I felt so wanted and welcome. 

I'm not sure how this fits into health and fitness, but that's where I am...kind of upside down.  It's all happened so fast my head is spinning.  The racquetball league is going well.  We've got a tournament at the Peloton this weekend.  

I'll keep you posted Readers...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I've been told that I've been slacking on the blogging.  I'm just glad you guys are reading this stuff.  Let me tell you that the hotel in San Antonio spooked me out.  That is the last time that I will EVER read ghost stories about a hotel I plan on sleeping at.  It would have been fine had I not read  all sorts of spooky things.  It didn't help that we could look into the Alamo from our room and when we were "falling asleep" in our 1800's room...we actually heard horses outside!  It turns out that the horse drawn carriages congregate outside of our room.  It was all too creepy for me.  Romance?  I think not.  I was afraid that every time I opened my eyes that there would be another set looking at me that did not belong to my husband.  

Other than the creepy thing and outrageous rates for parking our car ($84 for three days??  REALLY? We're already staying at your hotel...), we had a great time.  We had good visits with our friends, Jason got some good clinics in, and it was overall a really good time.  I ate WAY too much and moved WAY too little and I'm afraid I have lost a lot of forward momentum.  

I've got a lot going on in the way of life right now and it's sad to say that health goes on the back burner but I think for a lot of us, that's exactly where it goes.    We had a doubles match in r-ball on Monday and I have a singles game tomorrow and I think another game on Thursday night...  We lost a doubles and won a doubles.  I think we're working out our strategy and communication a little better now.  We make a pretty good team.  

As a teaser and if you know it please don't comment....but I hope to have some good news to share in the next couple of weeks.