Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oh My...

Oh my goodness....I've been quite a terrible blogger. I was so excited about blogging and getting fit and sharing it with swarms of readers...oh Readers, it just hasn't worked out that well. Unfortunately I haven't been to the gym in ages. Becoming a teacher has not just been a change in's a change in the direction of my life. It's a whole new career path with new challenges, new things to take up my thoughts, all new people to meet, new expectations....children's lives to help's been overwhelming to say the least. I really don't know how I'm going to find an adequate work/family/fitness balance.

Any suggestions are welcome...because in the meantime I'm only getting fatter...


  1. I know this will be an unwelcome suggestion, but I found that if you can wake yourself up an hour earier and getting moving the morning, you have more energy for the rest of the day. Plus, you don't lose time with your family.

    Of course, it's all gum drops and rainbows now, but when I first got started, it was murder.

  2. I have to agree with James... I get up at a 4:45 am and that is literally the only ME time I get for the whole day until the kids go to bed..Rob and I alternate days of the week..I feel accountable with Boot Camp class, plus Stephanie meets me there so we do cardio and weights before class..Waking up early is the hardest part-but once you are up and out the door--you will come back feeling like a millionbucks, even if you don't look like it(for now) you will feel great! Don't get off the wagon, It's so easy to lose sight of the big picture! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


  3. well, while I appreciate the comments James and Sandra...unfortunately I have to be at my school at 7:00 and my drive is 45 I'm already getting up at 4:00 and that's with showering at night! I just don't see myself getting up at 3 for the sake of exercise...I'm not that dedicated.
