Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Butt

Well Readers....I went to the racquetball wrap up party today. My husband took 1st in his division and I took 4th. As a doubles team we also took fourth. Grrr for me. So out of all the teams that did not get a trophy....we were the best of "that" group.

There IS light at the end of this tunnel. I've decided to go ahead and book a cruise in June for just me and my husband. We need the time together and it will get me through the school year knowing that I'll be on a boat the week after school gets out. So I now have motivation. Plus...I saw the racquetball video of my behind....SOOOOOO not pretty. When I say "not pretty" I really mean to say, "I've been walking around with that gigantic thing behind me this whole time?" It's much like paparazzi I'm sure. :) I found a little motivation. When I went to the grocery store tonight I actually thought about Weight Watchers points again. I didn't really do anything other than think about them, but it's a first step back in, right??

Several peeps have suggested I get the knee looked at. I may put that off for a while. I'm not ready for any bad news or hinderances right now. My literal and figurative "plate" is full right now. Maybe once things get settled with school I can think outside of my classroom. Right now...not so much, but after the video tonight...I'm getting much closer.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So discouraged...

Readers, if you're still out there...I've got to tell you how discouraged I am. Teaching has been so much more challenging than I anticipated. Have I said that already???? How many times????
I went from being someone I consider to be pretty smart and knowing my job to being the clueless chick on the block. The trouble is that I'm smart enough to know how much I don't know. Fitness is the furthest thing from my mind right now except for the nagging knee pain in my right knee. I can no longer squat or kneel without pain. I thought I overdid it playing racquetball but while it's not as pronounced as it used to be, it feels like it's gradually getting a little bit worse, just like I am gradually getting fatter. :( I want to go to the doctor, but I don't want to just hear that it's my weight. This change in job has affected my confidence in general. My antianorexia is on a temporary hold.

We were going to book a cruise in June, but now we've had some unexpected expenses and we probably need to hang on to that money a little longer. I was going to use the cruise as motivation to get a fitness plan in gear. Can you tell that I'm feeling a little sorry for myself right now? I should be happy that I have a job and that I have reasonably good health. My health problems are self-imposed.

Readers, I tell you what...Jason has been playing racquetball in the morning before work. I will have him wake me too and I'll do the Wii active tomorrow morning....I almost promise.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New week same story

I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend this weekend. "Thoroughly enjoyed" translates to...I ate A LOT. I had a good weekend. We got to visit with friends, we went out for Mexican food, had breakfast at Cracker Barrel....ahhhhhh. If you didn't know any might think I'm not on a diet at all! :( I did however brave weighing myself this weekend. I weigh on the Wii so that it tracks my progress over time. Since June I've lost 1/2 a pound. It's nothing to write home about since in May I was 6 pounds less, but at least in the midst of all this job turmoil, I haven't gained. This month has been mind blowing. I'm either teaching, thinking about teaching, or how to improve my teaching at all times of the day. I REALLY miss having the ability and type of job that I could leave at 5pm and not think about it until 8am the next morning. Those days are SOOOOO over. Teaching is a mind devourer. I really do like it though. The good days are so rewarding but the bad days are pretty bad. There seems to be very few days that are middle ground.

Health and fitness wise... I'll keep bringing my lunch every day. Once I'm more accustomed to the new lifestyle, I really hope to go back to aerobics. I miss Mary Ann and spending time with LIbby. My right knee has still been hurting. If I bend past 90 degrees it hurts enough for me to make an audible. I kept thinking it would get better once I took a break from racquetball, but so luck. Have a good week Readers!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well, the racquetball season is over. I came in 4th out of 8 women and Jason and I also came in 4th for doubles - I thought we might have sneaked into third place, but after all the points shook out, even though we won 5 of 8 matches...and the third place team won 3 of 8, we still didn't make it to 3rd. Ah...well... it was fun. Due to the new teaching job I think I'll sit out the next league and come back in the spring or summer. I'm too busy now. Speaking of being busy...the school schedule is helping me not eat so much. I have to bring my lunch and I only have a half an hour. While I'm lacking in exercise...the workweek diet is working out just fine. I hope to get settled into school and then start back with aerobics. My knees have been bothering lately, so I feel like I need a little break.

Take care Readers, I hope to have more fitness news soon.