Sunday, September 13, 2009

New week same story

I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend this weekend. "Thoroughly enjoyed" translates to...I ate A LOT. I had a good weekend. We got to visit with friends, we went out for Mexican food, had breakfast at Cracker Barrel....ahhhhhh. If you didn't know any might think I'm not on a diet at all! :( I did however brave weighing myself this weekend. I weigh on the Wii so that it tracks my progress over time. Since June I've lost 1/2 a pound. It's nothing to write home about since in May I was 6 pounds less, but at least in the midst of all this job turmoil, I haven't gained. This month has been mind blowing. I'm either teaching, thinking about teaching, or how to improve my teaching at all times of the day. I REALLY miss having the ability and type of job that I could leave at 5pm and not think about it until 8am the next morning. Those days are SOOOOO over. Teaching is a mind devourer. I really do like it though. The good days are so rewarding but the bad days are pretty bad. There seems to be very few days that are middle ground.

Health and fitness wise... I'll keep bringing my lunch every day. Once I'm more accustomed to the new lifestyle, I really hope to go back to aerobics. I miss Mary Ann and spending time with LIbby. My right knee has still been hurting. If I bend past 90 degrees it hurts enough for me to make an audible. I kept thinking it would get better once I took a break from racquetball, but so luck. Have a good week Readers!

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