Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Aww Geesh!

Well...if I tell you when I win I guess I need to tell you when I lose.  And Readers...I lost terribly in a racquetball league match tonight.  Yikes!!  I knew she was going to be tough, but holy smokes....between her being as good as she is and me playing as poorly as I did...good things did not happen on the court tonight.  I won't even tell you the score.  I felt sluggish and a bit on the oafish side.  I was nervous all day and tried to ready myself for play.  I think I psyched myself out.  But all excuses aside...she was better than me.  As true as it still hurts a little.  I prefer winning if at all possible.

I get a chance to redeem myself tomorrow.  I'm taking vacation and I'm playing a singles match at 11:30 in Harker Heights and a doubles match with my husband at the Summit at 6:00.  Lots of racquetball this week and then it's off to San Antonio on Sunday! Rest, relaxation, and looking around checking stuff out.  Oh yeah...and sleep...BUT we are staying at The Menger Hotel.  It's right next to the Alamo and is supposedly haunted.  Ghost stories to me are like  a scary movie...I'm interested in it even though it scares the bejeezus out of me. To make matters worse...I'm reading a book about it now...I haven't reached the paranormal section yet, that's in part 2.  I'm not sure if I'll sleep much, but you can bet I won't be alone in there very long.  spppooookky...

1 comment:

  1. Howdy Jennifer! You win lose some! Have you started WW? I am all about maximizing my points! Excitement is in the air in SA. Make sure you visit the new section of the Riverwalk that goes up to the Pearl Brewery Farmers will be a great walk with Maggie to get some exercise in while you are downtown! Cowboys Training camp also starts next week...certain practices are open to the public for free. I will be downtown a few days next week...maybe I will run into you! Let me know if you guys need anything while you are in my neck of the woods! Keep the focus! You are worth it! Myriamalie
