Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baby Steps

This morning I took the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood.  I think I remember that 2 laps around is equivalent to about 1.5 miles.  It's hot out there.  Yesterday I bought an armband and a new set of headphones for my ipod.  I then rocked out to Black Eyed Peas and Matt Kearney while I cleaned the kitchen.  It was nice.  I like the armband.  I wore it this morning while walking the dogs and it kept an extra bounce in my step.   This might be a new critical piece of equipment for me.  Here are the dogs...Daisy and Shadow, our Temple Animal Control rescue Lab pups and my walking buddies.  


  1. I love my Ipod and now thanks to you I love the Black Eyed Peas! They do make me feel motivated!

  2. Jennifer,
    Yes, spinning gets much easier I promise! It's best to compare it to a sore muscle the first couple of days the bottom of your booty really hurt, but after that you don't even notice it. When I first started I was going to buy a gel seat, but by the time I got around to it I realized I didn't need it any longer. I would love for you to come. The great thing about spin is that you can have a beginner next to someone who rides outdoors in races, and both getting a good workout without a noticeable difference between the two! This is my first week giving class, so I'm going to see how the class goes, but I would be willing to attend another class with you if you want...I'm throwing around the idea of offering a "mini" spin class for new comers...what do you think?

  3. What does the armband do, count steps? I always found that very motivating - when every step, even the ones to the bathroom and back - counted toward my 10k-steps-a-day goal!

    If you need some music, let me know! I'd be happy to burn you some cd's to add to your ipod.

  4. The arm band just holds it on my arm so that I can move around.
