Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back to Mary Ann

So the class last night (Big Step) was very fun and fast paced.  Edward has a nice way about him and he's very energizing.  The class was basic and I think most people could follow if it were a first step class.  I'd like to encourage others to come to the class, but there was barely enough room for the people that came.  I was able to do the whole thing and the frequent breaks were appreciated.  It was a good "coming back" class for me.  I'll definitely go back.  That room is a little difficult because it is long and narrow making it tough for some people to see all the way to the front and the acoustics in that room make it difficult to understand some of the instructions.  I love the floor though.  I didn't have any aches and pains and my knees felt good.  I felt like I was in a ritzy club in some trendy city somewhere.  My daughter Maggie really enjoyed the new kids work out room. She liked the bicycle game.  Maggie liked the bike game so much last night that she wanted to come with me tonight just to ride the bike and play the "dragon game".    I didn't realize that the kids gym closes at 7 so she was disappointed but enjoyed the movies in the little kid area.

Tonight I was reunited with Mary Ann and her half and half class.   It's a lot easier to go to classes when you have a buddy to go with.  I've got Libby and I'm so glad I do.  We to talk on the way to class, support each other when we're there and talk about everyone in the class on the way home.  Just kidding about that last part...sort of.  :)

I liked going back to Mary Ann.  It was like putting on an old shoe.  I know her moves, how she does things, what her cues are...She keeps it interesting with different choreography, but it's always fun and challenging.  I'm not just saying this because she might read this one day...

So tonight I used a riser the whole time.  Edward's class last night gave me more confidence to use a riser tonight.  Generally I just use the step.  My knees tend to hurt and I get too tired if I use a riser.   So tonight...for your benefit, I used a riser the whole time.  I took about ten breaks for water...but I used the riser the whole time.  Those two to three inches make a HUGE difference in the amount of energy you have to exert.   My legs are sore already.  I've decided that I'm just going to use a riser and stick to it, breaks and all.  If I don't make it happen, I'll be on a lonely step forever.  That's how I started just the regular step.  I was tired a lot at the beginning, then as the class went on I took fewer breaks and fewer breaks until finally I did the whole class, that is until Mary Ann bust out with some crazy hard new routine...then I need breaks.  It's those repeaters that always kick my booty.  

I'm glad I went to class twice this week.  I think it's been a successful week.  Tomorrow night we're going to dinner with friends then off to a play at the Temple Civic Theater.  Saturday racquetball...I feel more prepared this week than last.  Maybe I've got a shot.   


  1. Way to go! I have to admit, I've always been intimidated by the very idea of classes. I'm so uncoordinated that I know I'm make for good laughs on the drive home. Plus, I'd probably have to rethink my workout attire, which currently consists of beat-up free t-shirts and dirty gym shorts.

    Extra kudos too for pushing yourself outside your comfort zone with the riser. I admire your initiative and your motivation. Two weeks in and you're kicking some booty!

  2. Way to go! Yay RISER!

    Just beware when you go out to eat. Calories are very sneaky when you aren't the one preparing the food. They just enacted an ordinance (or something) in CA that is requiring all restaraunts to print the calories ON THE MENU. It makes a big difference when you see the numbers right there. When deciding between two different options, you can make a much better decision.
