Friday, July 10, 2009

The final countdown

Two days left until Doomsday, DUM DUM DUM.  Monday I start Weight Watchers again, exercising regularly, yada yada yada.  I've been there and done that.  How do I get it to stick and how do I make it not feel like punishment?  I always feel that I'm being punished for being so ridiculously large and now I'm on "restriction".  I need to break that mind set and somehow tell myself that it's a reward to eat healthy food and exercise.  I've tried this brainwashing before with little success.  1-2 weeks into the plan (most of which is spent being grouchy, irritable, and fighting with my husband because I feel like I'm being punished the whole time) I feel like "the Man" has got me down and that I'm fine the way I am (see anti-anorexia on Day One post).   So smart me quits the plan and embraces the fatness, quickly gaining whatever weight I lost.  

Since today was Friday and not Monday,  I went out tonight with a couple of girlfriends to Deadfish Grill.  It was nice out there.  We sat on the patio when we first got there and sweat it up.  It was pretty, just really hot.  Our waitress looked just like Ann Hathaway.  We had a good time: drinks, food, and lots of laughs.   Too bad I'll be obsessing about calories the next time I go out with the girls.  On the plus side (and I'm not talking about my big pants) maybe I'll fit in the chair a little better next time.  

I need to get my attitude in gear before Monday.  It turns out that my racquetball match for tomorrow is off since my opponent is out of town.  There goes that motivating factor, so I'll have to find something else.  I'm off to bed for now.  I think I'm going to like this blog. 

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