Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day One

Today marks day one of my year long blog for the City of Temple Parks and Recreation Department.  I'll be cataloging my attempts at health and fitness for the year.  I'm reluctantly excited about getting started because then there will be some REAL accountability and I can't just fool around anymore.   

I looked at the other bloggers in this series and I appear to be the "token" really really fat person in the group.  I knew that if I just held out long enough, this mass would get me something free one of these days.  Booyah!

It is what it is and why and how I'm doing the blog is no matter...the fact is that I am and it's time to get started.   Right now I work full time (except that I have this week off - just so no one thinks I'm goofing off at work) and I go to Mary Ann's step aerobics on Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Summit with a friend of mine and my husband.   I've had some setbacks this summer due to going through an alternative certification program to teach.  It had my nights wrapped up for all of June.   

I also really enjoy racquetball and I used to be pretty decent. We played a lot in college.  I played in a league at the Peloton Ridge Country Club in the spring and I'm getting ready to play singles and doubles in a summer league starting this weekend.  It should be a good butt kicking since I haven't played since the spring league ended.  If anyone is interested in playing in this or future leagues, let me know and I can get you some information.  

As far as diet goes...I'd been doing really well on Weight Watchers and I'd lost 20 lbs.  It was fun; people were noticing, I was feeling good about myself...then for what ever reason I just quit doing it.  I'm going to get back on this monday...I swear. 

I believe I'm inflicted with anti-anorexia (a friend of mine made up this term).  What is anti-anorexia you ask???  If I had anorexia, when I look in the mirror I'd say "wow, you are gigantic, you gross, disgusting pig - no food for you today."  Being that I have anti-anorexia, when I look in the mirror I say "wow, you're looking pretty good girl...a little on the chubby side, but overall pretty cute for a big girl - have a cupcake."    See how dangerous this can be???

So here you have it...the good the bad and the ugly.  I'll share it all with you this year.  I hope you cheer for me and let me know you're reading.  It will keep me interested in continuing.  


  1. So proud of you! I'll be here cheering you on every step of the way. XOXO

  2. Love you Jennifer! Your confidence is one of the things that I love about you. You're beautiful no matter what size you are! :)


  3. Jennifer this is so amazing...I can't wait to watch and cheer you on along the way....your going to do great....your so funny and no matter what your a beautiful person on the inside and go girl do it for us all....YAY so proud of you!!!! Melinda

  4. I'm so excited that you are taking part in this blog series. I really think that you're going to have a great time.

    I will say that I've never tried a diet that was as effective as this blog. Suddenly there's something holding me accountable to working out and making healthy decisions.

    The other side of the coin is that now we all get the chance to cheer you on. You can do it!

  5. Jennifer,
    Welcome! I have to tell you that I'm in complete understanding and agreement with the anti-anorexia thing! I couldn't stop smiling when I read it because that is me! I want to reassure you that I am not the "skinny" girl in the group either...I like to look at it as voluptuous! If you are working out in the evenings please come to my spin class on MWF at 5:00pm if you can make it...the class is just starting and I think it would be great to be able to meet up for support. I know you're going to do great.

  6. I think you are so brave just to put it all out there--I think most of us who are struggling with their weight feel the same way!-- I know I do! you are inspiring me to continue the journey less traveled-and more challenging!
